Denial of Consent to Register Children


Do you know that you have the God given right to deny the consent to register your children at the time of their birth?
Yes, you have the God given right to deny your children from being turned into a vehicle for the state to take debt in the name of basic human rights.

Before we look at the process, let us look at why you may want to deny the consent to register your children. Every person is born free and comes into this world with God given rights, that cannot be taken away by anyone. We however live in a world that has got man made structures of governance that claim to rule as vicegerents of God but in reality they have their own aims and agenda, which in very broad terms can be translated as enslaving the human population in the matrix of the socio economic system that has been imposed upon us.

Every time that a child is born and the parents give their consent to have the birth of their child registered with the authorities, a separate legal entity in the name of your child is created. Let's call this entity the “strawman” for it is a strawman in place of the human registered on the birth certificate, for all intents and purposes.

We have discussed this in previous articles that the creation of the strawman is for a reason. The birth certificate acts as a promissory note which is used by the state to issue debt against the strawman.

Basically what happens is that every individual has an earning capacity. The state knows this, so in order to issue money the state needs to take on debt from the Central Bank, which is the FED in the case of the United States.

This debt is issued against the collateral which is provided by the government in the form of the birth certificate, thereby signifying enslavement of the strawman to the debt issuing authority. In other terms, the basic human rights that are conferred upon any individual as a result of registration at the time of birth are in exchange for the consent to get enslaved by the matrix of the socio economic system that has been imposed upon us.

Getting freedom from this system of socio-economic enslavement is not that difficult but it requires awareness, willingness and knowledge. The system only works as long as we are unaware and willing to be a part of the system. The moment we realize that we can exit the system and live as a free people, the system will cease to control us.

In some of the previous articles we have already discussed how one can take back control of their life and rights under this system. The previous articles focused on how grown adults, who were born in to this system and have parallel strawmen and straw-women representing them in the system, can take back control and deny the state the opportunity to enslave them. This article is going to focus on how we can ensure freedom for our children and make sure that our future generations do not grow up enslaved.

Now the first thing that you must understand is that the moment you decide to deny the consent to register your children, the system is going to try and scare you by telling you that you are going to deny basic human rights to your children.

The system will threaten that your child

  • Will not get access to public health

  • Will not get identifications and passports and thus not have freedom of movement upon Gods earth

Do not be afraid, these rights are God given right and no system or state can take these away from your child, as long as you take proper steps to ensure that your child gets these rights. Once again, as we mentioned above, awareness and correct knowledge are both very important if we want to win back freedom.

The process mentioned below has been carried out by parents. It is important to see the steps they took in order to make sure that everything was done in a legal and orderly manner.

Step 1

Firstly, what was sent out was a “Declaration of denial of consent to register children”

Mentioned below is a format of a declaration (not legal advice)



For & on behalf of MOTHER’S STRAWMAN

All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Without Recourse – Non-Assumpsit

Errors & Omissions Excepted

Declaration of Denial of Consent to Register Children

Strictly Private & Confidential

We, the authorized representatives for the legal persons, FATHER’S STRAWMAN and MOTHER’S STRAWMAN, do hereby declare that the following is a Verified Plain Statement of the Facts as we perceive them.

Let it be known by all concerned, interested and affected parties that: 
  1. We have been granted irrevocable superior guardianship rights over our children by the Creator of the Universe.

  2. We have accepted irrevocable Power of Attorney over our children’s well-being and property until the eighteenth anniversary of their birth.

  3. For and on behalf of our children, we have settled their entire legal estate into a private trust which is administered for their maximum benefit.

  4. The property settled into said private trust includes (without limitation) any and all information pertaining to the existence of our children, strictly precluding the disclosure of the details of their birth to any party whatsoever.

  5. Any and all disclosures of information pertaining to the existence of our children would represent a breach of the aforementioned private trust and all those parties responsible for said breaches will be liable for charges of THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING (or functional currency of the United Kingdom) per occurrence.

  6. We do not recognize or consent to any perceived obligation, whether statutory or otherwise, to register the births of our children, under any circumstances whatsoever.

  7. As Trustees of the aforementioned private trust, we affirm, jointly and without division that we refuse to grant our consent and/or authorization to the Registrar or any other individual, organization or legal entity, to register information pertaining to the birth of our children, under any circumstances whatsoever.

We, the undersigned, hereby affirm that, to the very best of our knowledge, the entirety of the foregoing is true, correct and not misleading, In the geographical area known as ANNUITY-UPON-CRIME, England, this declaration is autographed, sealed and date-stamped by the Post Office, on the tenth day of the month of May, in the year known as two thousand and ten AD (Dwapara 310 – ascending).


All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Without Recourse – Non-Assumpsit

Errors & Omissions Excepted


All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Without Recourse – Non-Assumpsit Errors & Omissions Excepted.

Take care to word it appropriately and use the relevant geographical location. It is important to mention that the declaration is coming from the stickman of the father and mother, because the stickman parents have the right to deny consent under the system.

Another thing to remember is that you will have to create a trust and transfer the funds that will be used for upbringing the child into the trust, to make the process legal. The child is to be the beneficiary of the trust. The trust basically acts as an artificial legal person that cannot be controlled by the state or the system.

Now it is quite possible that upon furnishing this declaration, you as parents may get quite an aggressive or even threatening reply from the registrar. If this happens, you will need to send a second letter, to emphasize that you as parents have got the right to deny consent. In the second letter you will have to demand proof of the opposite from the registrar.

The registrar of course cannot prove that you as parents do not have the right to deny consent.






N66 6XL

27 MAY 2010




Following receipt of your notice dated 24 May 2010 and pursuant to the enclosed NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT; I hereby serve NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. Wherefore, MOTHER’S STRAWMAN and FATHER’S STRAWMAN agree to register the births of their children in the most expedient manner possible, upon receipt of the following items

  1. Material evidence demonstrating that MOTHER’S STRAWMAN and FATHER’S STRAWMAN have not been granted irrevocable superior guardianship rights over their children by the Creator of the Universe.

  2. Material evidence demonstrating that MOTHER’S STRAWMAN and FATHER’S STRAWMAN have not accepted irrevocable Power of Attorney over their children’s well-being and property until the eighteenth anniversary of their birth.

  3. Material evidence demonstrating that the information requested has not been settled into a private trust, precluding the disclosure of any and all details of their children’s births to any third party whatsoever.

  4. Material evidence demonstrating that all disclosures of information pertaining to the existence of their children would not represent a breach of the aforementioned private trust, as well as the Laws of Equity.

  5. Material evidence demonstrating that all disclosures of information pertaining to the existence of their children would not represent a breach of the aforementioned private trust, as well as the Laws of Equity. Material evidence demonstrating that all those parties responsible for said breaches would not be liable for charges of THIRTY THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING (or functional currency of the United Kingdom) per occurrence.

  6. Material evidence demonstrating that MOTHER’S STRAWMAN and FATHER’S STRAWMAN have consented to the statutory ‘duty’ prescribed by the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953, without which no sustainable cause of action for prosecution can arise.

  7. Material evidence demonstrating that MOTHER’S STRAWMAN and FATHER’S STRAWMAN have not unequivocally denied their consent and/or authorization to the Registrar and/or any other individual, organization or legal entity, to register information pertaining to the birth of their children, under any circumstances whatsoever.

  8. Material evidence demonstrating that your statement that a “female child was born to… [MOTHER’S STRAWMAN] …on or about DATE OF BIRTH” does not represent two clear breaches of trust by the Registrar of Births and Deaths.

  9. Material evidence demonstrating that any and all attempts to enforce statutes upon persons who have not consented to perform under said instruments would not represent fundamental breaches of international human rights laws, as well as the Laws of Nature.

Please find enclosed a certified copy of the DECLARATION OF DENIAL OF CONSENT TO REGISTER CHILDREN dated 10 May 2010, delivered to your office by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery on 12 May 2010. In good faith, we look forward to receiving the foregoing reasonably requested substance within seven (7) days of your receipt of this notice. Failure to deliver an appropriate response will result in the lawful presumption that the non-negotiable conditions cannot be met and that your request has been duly withdrawn, with no further action required.

Without malice, mischief, ill-will, frivolity or vexation; in sincerity and honour,


All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Without Recourse – Non-Assumpsit

Errors & Omissions Excepted

You may have to go back and forth with this letter but eventually the registrar will give in, as there is no proof to be sent. Once this is done, you have successfully denied the consent to the state to register your children If you are afraid that your children may have been deprived of the right to public health facilities, then you do not have to worry because doctors cannot deny this right. You simply have to get in touch with your general physician and they can have the name of your children written down, should any medical need arise. At this stage if you apply for a passport or any other service, the state may require regular visits to your residence to monitor how the upbringing of your child is going on. These visits are customary checks, to see the health and level of basic care being administered to the child, as the state will take back control if it feels that the child is being denied basic rights or being mistreated in any manner.

These development checks maybe required for the passport. Now for the passport, you will simply have to send a simple letter, stating the nature of the circumstances surrounding your child, requesting a passport to be issued. The letter will be addressed to the identity and passport office or the equivalent in your jurisdiction. Once again, the official representatives of the state may demand further proof, such as development checks as mentioned above. 

Any other demands of the identity and passports office will be enclosed in their correspondence. Once every criteria has been fulfilled, the passport should be issued to your child. Remember that the only requirement for the passport is evidence of citizenship, which can easily be provided by the GP carrying out developmental checks.

Just follow this simple process to free your children from slavery to the socio-economic matrix. If you are not sure or confused, then make sure you consult a legal advisor because it is always better to carry out this process with as little mistakes as possible.

NOTICE: This treatise constitutes neither the practice of law, nor the giving of legal advice, Information served herein is for informational and educational purposes only. Author does not consent to unlawful action. Author advocates and encourages one and all to adhere to, support and defend all LAW which is particularly applicable. You are responsible for yourself and your own actions. If you act on what you do not understand and cannot support through knowledge and ability, any adverse consequences you may experience are entirely a product of your own doing/omissions. If anything in this presentation is found to be in error a good faith effort will be made to correct it in timely fashion upon notification. VOID where prohibited by law.

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