Mar 21 / Dynamo Jakk

All is Self, As Above so below, As within so without


We have all come to the same conclusion that all of life is self and all are the same, we are all one. As we begin to understand this on a personal level, we realize everything around us is also self. The more we can accept this idea and begin living it in our everyday life the easier it becomes to live in accordance with it. Everything around us is a reflection of who we are and how we feel about ourselves personally. It doesn't take much to realize this when you look at how others treat us compared to how they treat others or even themselves for that matter! The world around you is a reflection of yourself and will teach you about yourself if you allow it to do so

All is Self, As Above so below, As within so without

The phrase "as above so below" means that everything in the universe is connected and mirrors itself on all levels. The same principle applies to our inner world, which is also self-reflective and interconnected. This can be seen as a microcosm of the macrocosm (the universe). It is through this principle that we begin to understand how we are all connected as one being; we are all made up of the same thing--energy!


The more we begin to accept this idea and live it in our everyday lives, the easier it becomes for us to live in accordance with it.

All is Self

All is Self, As a Above so below, As within so without. You are the same as the Universe and all its inhabitants. This means that you are not separate from them or their actions, but part of one whole system of interconnectedness. There is no separation between any part of creation; it's all one thing--you could call this "God" if you want to be religious about it (which isn't required).

You may also notice that when you do something good for someone else or even just think about helping someone else with no expectation of receiving anything in return, you feel good inside yourself--this is because we are connected on a deeper level than most people realize! Your actions affect me too! And vice versa: If I hurt someone else knowingly or unknowingly then my own experience becomes tainted by guilt; similarly, if I help another person then my own experience gets brighter because I feel good inside myself knowing that what I did was right. *

As within so without

The macro world and the micro world are one. There is no separation between these two worlds, as they are both part of the same thing: All is Self. As within so without; as above so below; this principle applies to all things in your life as well as the universe at large. In other words, what happens in your personal experience will likely be reflected back at some point on a larger scale--and vice versa!

The implications of this principle are quite profound because it means that we have power over our lives and the world around us through our thoughts and actions; we can create change by changing ourselves first (which will then ripple outwards). If you want something different than what's currently happening in your life right now--whether it's love or money or good health--the best place to start making those changes happen is within yourself!

All is Self

All is Self, As Above so below, As within so without.

The universe is a reflection of ourselves, the world around us is a reflection of ourselves and all things in it are reflections of ourselves as well. All people you encounter are reflections of yourself and everything that happens to them or around them will affect you at some point in time because we are all connected by this one thing called consciousness which binds us together no matter how far apart we may seem from each other physically speaking. What does this mean for you? It means that if there's something bothering someone else then chances are good that there's something bothering YOU too! If someone says something nasty about another person then chances are good that they're having issues themselves with their own self-image/identity problems etc... It also means if someone treats others badly then chances will come back around eventually either directly (I’m sure most people know what I’m talking about here) or indirectly through karma which always comes back around sooner rather than later no matter how long it takes. “All experiences come back again; nothing goes away permanently." – Buddha

As Above so below

As above, so below. As within, so without. These phrases are used to describe how the Macrocosm (the universe) reflects and mirrors the Microcosm (us). The idea is that if you want to understand something on a large scale, look at it from the perspective of its smallest parts.

The same is true for understanding our own inner workings: if we want to know why we feel a certain way or behave in a particular manner, we need only look at what's going on inside of us as individuals--and vice versa! For example:

  • If someone cries at an emotional movie scene because they feel connected with what's happening on screen, then their tears are likely due to personal experience with loss or grief; their reaction wasn't just some random occurrence triggered by watching other people cry onscreen. *

All is Self, As Above so below, As within so without.

This is an important concept to understand and practice when working with any form of magic. For example, if you are doing work on yourself, it can be helpful to think of your body as being made up of different layers (physical, emotional/mental etc.) that need to be addressed individually before moving onto another layer. Or perhaps if you are doing work on someone else then they may have different aspects of themselves that need attention first before moving onto another aspect of their life (i.e., their relationship with work).

We have all come to the same conclusion that all of life is self and all are the same, we are all one.

We have all come to the same conclusion that all of life is self and all are the same, we are all one. You, me, your dog and cat, a tree in your backyard--we're all the same thing. The question then becomes: How do we live in this world?

In order for us to live peacefully with each other and ourselves while still respecting our differences (and there are many), we must first understand what "self" really means. Self is not an individual thing; it's everything around us including ourselves as well as others who may not look like us or act like us but share similar experiences with us nonetheless because they too were born into this physical world where everything is interconnected through energy fields called chakras.

As we begin to understand this on a personal level, we realize everything around us is also self.

As we begin to understand this on a personal level, we realize everything around us is also self. The more we can accept this idea and begin living it in our everyday life, the easier it becomes to live in accordance with it.

All things are created from the same source, which means that all things are connected with each other as well as with us by virtue of their creation from that same source. It is important for us not only to look at ourselves as being separate from everyone else but also from everything else that exists around us because if we do not recognize this connection then we will never truly understand how powerful our thoughts and actions can be when used properly.

The more we can accept this idea and begin living it in our everyday life the easier it becomes to live in accordance with it.

You have to accept the idea that all is self. You have to be able to live in accordance with it. This can be difficult for many people because they aren't used to thinking this way, but the more we can accept this idea and begin living it in our everyday life the easier it becomes to live in accordance with it.

Acceptance of self is one of the most important things we must do if we want to live as one with all life on earth, because if you don't accept yourself then how will anyone else?Acceptance means understanding who you are and accepting everything about yourself good or bad; no matter how much work needs done on ourselves before we're ready for change, there's always room for improvement within each person!

Everything around us is a reflection of who we are and how we feel about ourselves personally.

Everything around us is a reflection of who we are and how we feel about ourselves personally. The world around us will teach us about ourselves if we allow it to do so.

In other words, the universe is like an enormous mirror that reflects back at you everything that's going on within yourself. This means that what happens in your life is really up to you because all things come from within first before they can be manifested outwardly into physicality (the "real world").

It doesn't take much to realize this when you look at how others treat us compared to how they treat others or even themselves for that matter!

If they are rude, disrespectful and/or abusive towards us, it is because they feel this way about themselves. If they are kind, caring and supportive of us, it is because they feel this way about themselves. The same goes with how we treat ourselves - if we tend to be self-critical; if we constantly put ourselves down; if we have low self-esteem; then this reflects the fact that our inner selves do not see their own worthiness yet!

The world around you is a reflection of yourself and will teach you about yourself if you allow it to do so

The world around you will teach you about yourself if you pay attention to it.

The world around you will teach you about yourself if you are aware of it, but this does not mean that the world has control over your life or that everything happens randomly by chance. The truth is much simpler: All things are connected through an intelligence that permeates all things equally, including ourselves and our experiences in life (and death).

All is Self, As Above so below, As within so without

The concept of All as Self can be very confusing at first but once you understand it, it will help you to understand how everything in life is connected to each other. There is only one thing that exists and that is consciousness (the source) which has no beginning or end because it was never created and therefore cannot be destroyed by anyone or anything else except itself (which would cause another dimension). The reason why people think they are separate from each other is because they have forgotten their true nature as being One with Everything else around them including their own body/minds/spirits/souls etc...

All is Self, As Above so below, As within so without

All is one and the same. The universe is made up of one thing: energy. We are all part of this universe and we are all connected to each other by this energy. Our thoughts shape our reality, so if you want to change your life for the better then start thinking positive thoughts about yourself and others!

The Sacred Marriage of the sun and moon aspects of yourself

The Sacred Marriage of the sun and moon aspects of yourself

The Solar Plexus and the Solar Plexus Christed Self

The Heart Chakra and the Heart Christed Self

The Throat Chakra and the Throat Christed Self

The Solar Plexus and the Solar Plexus Christed Self

The Solar Plexus is the seat of the ego. It's located just above your belly button and is responsible for your personal power, will and courage.

The solar plexus is also known as the "seat of soul" because it houses our higher self, or Christed Self. This aspect of our being can be accessed through meditation and prayer. When we are connected with this higher aspect of ourselves, we experience an inner peace that stabilizes us during times when others may feel out of control or overwhelmed by circumstances beyond their control (like natural disasters).

The Heart Chakra and the Heart Christed Self

The Heart Christed Self is the purest expression of who you are. It is the essence of love, compassion and forgiveness and it lives in your heart chakra. The energy of this higher self-radiates outward through every cell in your body, bathing each organ with healing light energy to help them function optimally.

This higher expression of yourself has been called by many names over time including Buddha nature, Christ consciousness or Buddha mind (the enlightened state). In some traditions it is referred to as the "I AM" presence within each one us which connects us directly with our Creator God Source/Creatrix/Divine Mother Creator Goddess/Goddess Energy/Source Energy or whatever name resonates most strongly with you at any given moment during this process!

The Throat Chakra and the Throat Christed Self

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra, and it's associated with the color blue, the sound "ah," ether (the element), hearing and speaking.

The throat chakra is located at the base of your neck on either side of your spine. It's responsible for communicating with others through speech or writing--but it also governs how you express yourself internally as well! When this energy center gets blocked up by stress or trauma, you may find yourself unable to speak up for yourself; alternatively, if this area is overactive due to excessive talking or excessive self-expression (i.e., blogging), then it could cause problems in other areas of life like relationships or career advancement opportunities because people won't want to listen when they hear you constantly talking about yourself all day long!

Pineal Gland and Pituitary Gland - Divine Mind, Cosmic Mind

The pineal gland is the seat of the soul. It is also known as our third eye, or spiritual awakening center. The pineal gland connects our physical body with our spiritual body, allowing us to see beyond what is visible to the naked eye.

The pituitary gland controls other endocrine glands in the body by releasing hormones that tell them how much hormone to release or stop releasing depending on what you need at that time in your life (growth spurts during puberty). It's like an orchestra conductor directing all players at once!

Your totality is your Christed Self

You are the totality of your being. You are the totality of your consciousness, the totality of your soul and spirit, and even the totality of your mind.

You may have heard this phrase before: "As above so below." It means that what happens in heaven also happens on earth--or vice versa. In other words, everything that takes place in God's consciousness also takes place in yours!

Your Christed Self is not just some part or aspect of yourself; it is literally who you are at all times--and everything else that exists within our universe as well!


The more we understand this idea, the easier it becomes to live in accordance with it. The world around us is a reflection of ourselves and will teach us about ourselves if we allow it to do so. As we begin to accept this concept on a personal level, then everything around us is also self; as above so below!


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